Exam Procedures and Retake Policy for Airfield Asphalt Certifications
Reexaminations can be scheduled and performed at NCAT or Asphalt Institute.
A reexamination fee of $150.00 is required to be paid to each course host for administering the exam. If unsuccessful completion of the retake exam, individuals must take the full course and pass the exam to become certified. If any individual chooses to retake the exam at a proctoring agency as outlined below, the individual is responsible for the $150 fee to NCAT or Asphalt Institute, plus any proctoring service fees.
Proctoring Options
For CONUS individuals, reexaminations can also occur at local libraries or community colleges with an exam proctoring coordinator.
For OCONUS individuals, other proctoring services such as local universities or Tri-Service agency offices are acceptable if coordinated with a local POC and approved by the AACP Management Committee.
Proctoring Services
At a minimum, proctoring services must:
Provide reasonably quiet space for individuals to undertake the exam.
Verify individuals’ identification card.
Present exam materials.
Review exam instructions.
Monitor the test taker (at a reasonable distance); full time one-on-one is not required.
Monitor exam time.
Send the completed exams back. Test takers are not allowed to send their own tests back.
Proctoring services may scan and send in tests if they have the capabilities.
Responsibilities of Test Takers
The test taker is responsible for all coordination and providing the necessary information for the AACP Management Committee to determine appropriateness.
The test taker is responsible for providing a postage-paid envelope that can be sealed by the proctoring agency to send the completed test back.